Gain insight and find answers to key shipping issues with our interview discussions
HR Maritime on the shift from Bulk to Container. Richard Watts, HR Maritime You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page:Смотрите Dukascopy TV на вашем языке:用您的语言观看杜高斯贝电视: http://ww
Oil prices are at quite a low level, how is this affecting the shipping markets? Richard Watts, Founder of HR Maritime You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page:Смотрите Dukascopy TV на вашем языке:用您的
HR Maritime on the impact of low oil price on shipping
What are the main reasons for these low shipping rates? How it would affect the commodity trading industry? Richard Watts, HR MaritimeYou can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page:Смотрите Dukascopy TV на вашем языке:
Why is landlocked Geneva a perfect location for Propeller Club? Richard Watts, Vice President, The Propeller Club GenevaYou can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page:Смотрите Dukascopy TV на вашем языке:用您
Sanctions discussion may have quietened, but the effects on shipping remain loud and clear. Richard Watts, founder of HR-Maritime.You can view this video and the full video archive on the Dukascopy TV page:Смотрите Dukascopy TV на вашем языке:
The impact of sanctions on Shipping. Richard Watts, Founder of HR Maritime.
HR Maritime on Sanctions in Shipping and Trading
Richard Watts, founder of HR Maritime discusses the importance of striking the right balance between Technical Knowledge and Networking in the world of Commodity Trading and Shipping.
HR Maritime on Technical Knowledge and Networking in Trading and Shipping
Richard Watts, founder of HR-Maritime discusses the evolution of the Swiss shipping industry and explains the 'give and take' relationship between Geneva and the Trading Industry.
HR-Maritime On Shipping Relationship
Richard Watts, founder of HR-Maritime discusses the changing face of trading houses as companies try to adapt to survive the financial crisis
HR-Maritime On Trade Evolution
Richard Watts, founder of HR-Maritime discusses the correlations between global demand for raw commodities and the performance of the shipping market
HR-Maritime On Commodities Shipping
Richard Watts, founder of HR-Maritime joins Monica Gibson from the DukascopyTv Team to discuss the challenges affecting the shipping and trading in Switzerland and the new training incentives being implemented to try and combat the lack of youth in the industry. He also participates in the Dukascopy Question by answering which instrument he would
With 90 percent of international trade transported by sea, landlocked Switzerland has grown into the world's second largest shipping power. Richard Watts, founder of HR-Maritime joins Monica Gibson from the DukascopyTv Team to discuss the challenges affecting the shipping industry in light of the global economic slowdown.